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  • How can I translate Moviebase into other languages?
    All translations of Moviebase are managed on Crowdin. Everybody can translate a few words into his/her language. The changed content will be updated in the next releases. You just have to sign up on Crowdin and choose your language. Don’t hesitate if you have any questions.
  • Can I help beta test Moviebase?
    You certainly can! To become a beta tester just opt-in to the beta channel.
  • Does Moviebase collect any personal data?
    You can read our privacy policy here.
  • Can I make a feature request?
    Yes, I would like to hear from you! Every feature request can be written directly on our discussion board or sent by email at Upcoming ideas, the next tasks and released features can be viewed on the Trello board. You are welcome to vote and write comments on the board! Note: Just because a feature is often requested doesn't necessarily guarantee its inclusion in Moviebase.
  • Can I see what you’re working on right now?
    Upcoming ideas, the next tasks and released features can be viewed on the Trello board. You are welcome to vote and write comments on the board!
  • How can I directly contact the support?
    You can get in touch with us via the contact page or send us an email directly at If you're having a specific issue, using our discussion board to get a quick answer.
  • Can I support or help Moviebase?
    I’m very happy if you support the Moviebase project! There are many ways what you could do. 1. Share Moviebase with friends & family and on other websites. Just send the link around. 2. Help to translate the app into another language on Crowdin. 3. Write an article or post a blog about Moviebase. 4. Fill the app with new content. Contribute the data on The Movie Database website. 5. Write a feature request or report an issue on our discussion board. 6. Use a Moviebase Premium subscription in the app. Or whatever else comes into your head :)
  • What is the exact purpose of this app?
    Moviebase gives you the best overview of movies & TV shows from the largest community network The Movie Database (TMDb), similar to IMDB. You can discover movies and TV series, or browse through many categories to get the right information.
  • Do you have iOS version for iPhones?
    An iOS version isn’t available at the moment. But it isn’t excluded that we will have one in the future.
  • I’m using Android 5 (or below) and Moviebase no longer updates in the Play Store. Why?
    Moviebase 1.9.0 and above require Android 6 or higher.
  • Where can I watch or stream movies and series?
    I’m extremely sorry for the inconvenience, but Moviebase is not intended for illegal streaming or watching any movie or TV show on your device. However, you can discover your movies as well as TV shows and open streaming websites like Netflix, JustWatch or on the detail page.
  • Do you support liked lists?
    Liked lists from other users are not supported yet, but I’m working hard to provide this feature in the future.
  • Where can I sign up?
    You can sign up your Trakt or TMDB account under: 1. Click on the More tab in the bottom navigation 2. Tab on the profile image/name on the top of the page 3. Choose the service which you want to connect 4. Follow the instruction in the browser
  • Do you support synchronization between devices?
    Synchronization between devices is only possible if you are connected with Trakt or TMDB.
  • How can I unlock all Premium features?
    To unlock all features a Moviebase Premium purchase is necessary. How you can get the Premium access is written here.
  • Can I transfer my purchase of Moviebase Premium to another account?
    Yes. We'll need your receipt for the original Moviebase purchase. You should be able to find your original Moviebase receipt in Google Pay if you have it set up. The most important information is the transaction ID (starts with GPA.) and the purchase date.
  • I want a refund for Moviebase Premium. How can I get one?
    Before we can provide a refund, we'll need the receipt from your Premium purchase. You can find this information in Google Pay > Activity, a detailed description is here. It's worth noting that we're unable to provide a refund if you purchased Moviebase Premium more than 30 days ago. With the proper info in hand, please contact Moviebase support with the subject "Refund" Attach your proof of purchase along with the refund request. Once we've processed the refund, the Moviebase Premium license will be invalidated.
  • How can I get rid of the ads in Moviebase?
    All ads will be removed when you have Moviebase Premium. You can get the premium version under: 1. Click on the More tab in the bottom navigation 2. Scroll down to Help and click the item 3. Tab the entry Go Premium
  • Is the Premium version forever?
    Yes, the unlimited Premium version is for a lifetime. Only one-time purchase is necessary.
  • Why Moviebase doesn't show my Premium purchase?
    It the purchase was made within the last 24 hours or the device has been switched then it is possible that Google has not released the purchase. When you still have trouble, please contact us.
  • Where can I cancel my subscription?
    Cancel your subscription on the Google Play Store subscription page in your account.
  • How can I fix the content between Trakt and Moviebase?
    To combine the content between Trakt and Moviebase it is important that both platforms have the necessary IDs. First, you should check if the IDs are available on Trakt. To do so, go to your desired movie or series. Under the poster, you can see the available services. For movies, TMDB and/or IMDB must be present. For series, TMDB and/or TVDB must be present. If the IDs are missing then Trakt has to update the data. To do this press the button "Refresh Data". Contact us if you cannot use this VIP functionality or the IDs are already available. In order for Trakt to find the right data, it is recommended to add the missing IDs on the TMDB website as well. To do this, go to your movie or series on the TMDB website and click the "Edit" button under the „Overview" tab. Then you can add all missing IDs in the "External IDs" section. Now you have to wait a few hours :) Thank you very much for your contribution!
  • Why doesn’t Moviebase have Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic?
    I would love to integrate Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic into the app. Unfortunately, this would cost us a fee of 30,000$/year for Rotten Tomatoes and 48,000$/year for Metacritic, which is clearly too much. Adding content without a license would cause the app to be blocked in the Google Play Store.
  • Where the data come from?
    The most displayed data comes from The Movie Database and Trakt.
  • The Information on a show or movie is wrong or missing, what should I do?"
    All of the show and movie information in Moviebase is pulled from The Movie Database (TMDB), a community-built database. Movies and series you find on TMDB website can also be found in the app. If the information is wrong or missing, you can: 1. Create a TMDB account and update the information yourself 2. Create a TMDB account and ask ask a moderator to update the show for you using the TMDB forum 3. Create a thread on the Moviebase discussion board. Changes made to the TMDB should reflect in the Moviebase app within 24 hours. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact us at I would love if you contribute new data for Moviebase. You can find more information on
  • I don’t find the TV show or movie, what can I do?"
    All of the show and movie information in Moviebase is pulled from The Movie Database (TMDB), a community-built database. Movies and series you find on TMDB website can also be found in the app. If the information is wrong or missing, you can: 1. Create a TMDB account and update the information yourself 2. Create a TMDB account and ask ask a moderator to update the show for you using the TMDB forum 3. Create a thread on the Moviebase discussion board. Changes made to the TMDB should reflect in the Moviebase app within 24 hours. If you have any questions about this, feel free to contact us at I would love if you contribute new data for Moviebase. You can find more information on
  • Why is a movie or episode release date wrong?
    The movie and episode release dates are restricted to the original release in the country of origin. If the release country is known, Moviebase assumes the release date is in a time zone of this country (for example Eastern Time for US shows and Central European Time for German shows). Then it is converted to your device time zone. If the release country is not known, Moviebase will assume the country to be the United States of America. You can view the country in detailed show information. If the displayed country is not correct it can be changed at the data source. If the country is correct, but you believe the release time is incorrectly converted in Moviebase, please send a message.
  • Why Moviebase doesn’t use TVDB for TV shows?
    Moviebase was developed to provide users a trending movie app. The representation of series and Trakt integration was added much later. At this time, TVDB didn’t provide new access to their data. The website quality and support were not as good as desired. Today it would take a lot of time to switch from TMDB to TVDB. It isn’t worth investigate time for changing the data source, because TMDB offers a better website and the team is working hard to go deep into TV show functionalities.
  • Why is the overview in English sometimes?
    Moviebase loads the data in your language from The Movie Database. If an overview isn’t translated in your language then the app uses English as a fallback.
  • Why have Moviebase different episodes than Trakt?
    Trakt and Moviebase use different data sources for TV shows, seasons and episodes. Trakt obtains the data mainly from TVDB, whereas Moviebase gets the content from TMDB. Both platforms could have a different grouping of episodes. If only an episode is missing in the app then you can add it on TMDB directly.
  • Why my episodes or TV shows disappear?
    Moviebase uses the TV shows from TMDb and sometimes the episodes are not the same as Trakt has. Could you mention which TV shows aren't correctly displayed?
  • Where are my watched movies and episodes from TMDB?
    Moviebase removes the mark watched function when the user is logged with TMDB, because TMDB doesn’t support watched movies or episodes. If you want to mark items as watched then you can use the local app account or connect with Trakt.
  • Can I use TMDB and Trakt together?
    You can currently have a local Moviebase account and one connected account of TMDB or Trakt.
  • How can I connect to Trakt?
    If you can't connect (white screen, error message), Trakt may currently be unreachable (check, @trakt or the Moviebase community for status updates). Please try again later.
  • What is check-in with Trakt?
    The check-in action allowing the user to indicate what they are watching right now. A check-in requires you to connect Moviebase with Trakt. After the runtime of the episode or movie has passed, the episode or movie will be set watched on your Trakt profile and in Moviebase.
  • What are the rules for posting comments?
    Comments can be posted as a quick shout or a more detailed review. Failure to follow these rules will suspend your commenting abilities. Comments must be at least 5 words Comments 200 words or longer will be automatically marked as a review Correctly indicate if your comment contains spoilers - This is important! Only write comments in English
  • Why is my item removed from the watchlist automatically when I mark it as watched?
    The watchlist contains items a user want to watch in the future. Once watched, they are auto removed from this list. When the TV show is in the history list and progress then the user has started to watch episodes. But that does not mean that the series has been seen completely. It could also happen that new episodes will be released. In this case, it would be mess up lists if the TV show goes back to the watchlist automatically.
  • What do the different lists mean?
    History: All watched items (check-ins, watched) for a user. Collection: Items a user has available to watch including Blu-Rays, DVDs, and digital downloads. Watchlist: Items a user wants to watch in the future. Once watched, they are auto removed from this list. Personal lists: Custom list for any purpose. Items are not auto removed from any custom lists.
  • I want to see IMDB ratings in the list, is it possible?"
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to show IMDB ratings on the list. It is only possible to query individual ratings on the detail page.
  • Can I hide TV shows from my progress list?
    Yes. Go to your progress page and press the overflow menu of the desired item you want to hide. Click on the item "Hide this TV show". Tip You can load hidden items from your Trakt account. Go to the account profile page and click on the menu item "Load hidden items".
  • Why TV shows don’t show up on progress as Trakt user?
    TV shows might not be displayed on the progress page. In most cases, Moviebase couldn’t fetch TV shows through the Trakt synchronization. This reason is that Trakt and Moviebase use different data sources for TV shows. Trakt obtains the data mainly from TVDB, whereas Moviebase gets the content from TMDB. Both platforms could have missing or wrong IDs for a successful mapping. How you can fix it by yourself is written "How can I fix the content between Trakt and Moviebase?".
  • Can I hide waiting and ended TV shows from my calendar?
    Yes, you can disable the switch "Show waiting and ended TV shows" in More > Settings > Calendar.
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